TWI embraced Cyber Security in Engineering with SOC365

TWI first engaged with Hedgehog Security in 2013 with a view to overhauling the organisations approach to information security. The introduction was a recommendation from a similar RTO to TWI.

talks to Maurice Whittacker, Associate Director at TWI.

TWI first engaged with Hedgehog Security in 2013 with a view to overhauling the organisations approach to information security. The introduction was a recommendation from a similar RTO to TWI.

The initial engagement included the introduction of:

  • Fit for purpose IT policies
  • IT risk register
  • Comprehensive change management processes

This led to TWI’s first pen tests, significant improvements to information security and a place on the organisations Exectuvie Board Agenda.

Together we introduced Cyber Essentials and then Cyber Essentials Plus to the organisation and moved to an annual continual cyber assurance program. The success of this ensures that improvements to information security were an ongoing process and not time bound.

In more recent times and to support the internal challenges of resourcing IT security, and following a significant and sustained cyber attach the ICT team have embraced the benefits of using the Hedgehog SOC. This has given comfort and an assurance to the IT Team and indeed the organisation. The clear and regular reporting outputs for security are reported at Executive Board level.

Hedgehog Security are one of the most professional IT vendors that TWI engage with. There are no direct sales activities, their focus is purely on service delivery and protecting the organisations assets.

Talk to one of our cyber security experts to see how our range of protection services can detect attacks, defend your data and disrupt hostile actions.

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