A Medical Firm using our SOC as a Service for cyber defence

With a focus on protecting client information containing sensitive Personal Identifiable Information and medical data, NGS engaged with us for Cyber Defence.

Peter Bassill
August 24, 2023
min read
A Medical Firm using our SOC as a Service for cyber defence

Northcott Global Solutions (NGS) is a prominent medical repatriation and security response company operating on a global scale. With a primary focus on protecting client information containing sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and medical data, NGS recognized the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. To achieve this, NGS engaged with Hedgehog Security to provide comprehensive Security Operations Centre (SOC) services over a five-year period.

Challenges And Objectives

NGS faced the dual challenge of safeguarding their clients' confidential information while maintaining compliance with multiple security standards including ISO 27001, HIPAA, and GDPR. Their existing security infrastructure consisted mainly of traditional firewalls and endpoint protection, leaving their systems vulnerable to evolving cyber threats. To address these concerns and elevate their cybersecurity posture, NGS sought a professional partner capable of delivering 24x7 monitoring, defense against cyberattacks, and robust incident response capabilities.

Solution Provided

Hedgehog Security stepped in as a strategic partner, offering an enterprise-level SOC service tailored to NGS's unique security requirements. The SOC service encompassed comprehensive monitoring, proactive defense against cyber threats, and rapid incident response. Additionally, NGS benefited from weekly vulnerability scanning to identify potential weaknesses in their systems. Hedgehog Security also provided virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services to ensure strategic alignment with security goals.

Implementation And Impact

Over the course of five years, NGS made significant strides in fortifying their cybersecurity posture. The partnership with Hedgehog Security brought a multitude of benefits, including:

Compliance Assurance:
NGS successfully met stringent security standards such as ISO 27001, HIPAA, and GDPR. The SOC services provided a robust framework for adhering to these regulations, instilling confidence in both clients and partners.

Threat Detection and Incident Response:
The SOC service detected and thwarted various cyber threats. Notably, the SOC efficiently identified and neutralized a penetration test initiated by NGS partners, demonstrating the service's rapid response capabilities.

Vulnerability Management
: Weekly vulnerability scanning helped NGS proactively identify potential weaknesses in their systems, enabling them to take timely corrective actions before exploitation occurred.

Executive Insights:
Monthly Cyber Risk Reports and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports provided the NGS board with clear visibility into the organization's cybersecurity landscape. This transparency facilitated informed decision-making and strategic planning.


One remarkable success story highlighted the effectiveness of Hedgehog Security's SOC services. During an external penetration test conducted by NCC Group, the SOC detected the test within four minutes of initiation and effectively blocked unauthorized access attempts. The penetration testers persisted for nine days, unsuccessfully attempting to breach NGS's systems.

The partnership between Northcott Global Solutions and Hedgehog Security exemplifies the tangible benefits of long-term collaboration. Through Hedgehog Security's SOC services, NGS not only fortified their cybersecurity defenses but also successfully adhered to industry regulations and standards. The rapid response capabilities of the SOC ensured that potential threats were detected and mitigated swiftly, safeguarding sensitive client information. As a result, NGS was able to focus on their core mission of providing medical repatriation and security response services with the utmost confidence in their cybersecurity measures.

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